Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” – Componente 2 “Dalla Ricerca all’Impresa” Investimento 1.1 “Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)”.
Elenco siti progetti PRIN 2022 attivi (D.D. 104/2022)
- A pioneering Compton Camera for hadrontherapy with a 3D silicon Pixel Chamber
- Behavioral changes in the aftermath of the Covid outbreak: socio-economic consequences of a health and economic crisis.
- CLimate-changE-resilient cities Via Extensive and Rational use of nature-based solutions (CLEVER)
- DeKLA: Developing Kleene Logics and their Applications
- DEMON: Detect and Evaluate Manipulation of ONline information
- DEsign HYdrologic SImulation – DeHySi – Continuous rainfall simulation for improving hydrologic design
- Development of an OPtimal design Tool for Electrification of urban public transportation BUS services (OPTEBUS)
- DEvelopment oF pan-coronavirus agENts targeting host and viral heliCasEs (DEFENCE)
- Dissecting super-massive black holes in space and time with the Event Horizon Telescope and ALMA
- EDItAVi. Enhancement and development of Italian audiovisual ethnomusicology archives through new technologies
- Effect of dietary CLA-enriched dairy products on metabolic and nutritional factors underlying metabolic flexibility in overweight middle-aged subjects with central adiposity (NUTRICLA)
- Entangled chronotopes: language, power, bodyscapes and religion in the first ten books of the Saunaka Atharvaveda-Sa¿hita [SS]. An overall reassessment (more than one century after Whitney’s magnum opus) of the SS, in terms of its time-space coordinates within the Vedic cultural landscape, through a newly devised English (and Italian) translation of the verse and prose sections of books I-X, adopted as a hermeneutical device to map language onto real and imaginary objects and institutions.
- EUD4XR: End-User Development for eXtended Reality
- Evidence 4 Preventing Early school Dropout (E4PED)
- EXosomE MicroRNA ProfiLing to identify biosignatures of mood disorders and treAtment Response (EXEMPLAR)
- Exploitation of multiomic techniques to assess the risk of malignancy in patients with indeterminate thyroid nodules
- For a thematic “Atlas” of the Justinian Code
- From high school to university: Assessing peers’ influence in educational inequalities and performances
- Functional CHaracterization of Adenoma-Specific Microbial ecosystem and metabolomE (the CHAShMirE study)
- Green processes for Rare Earth Elements Separation, recovery & valorization from permanent Magnets (GREEn SM)
- Highly-iNtegrated all-Electric Propulsion-charging system on zero-emissions TUgboats for NExt-generation harbours (NEPTUNE)
- I-CREATE – Innovative Class of REfrActory ceramics for exTreme Environments
- Is NRF2-driven metabolic reprogramming a unique feature of cancer cells? A study on normal, preneoplastic and neoplastic hepatocytes.
- MICROplastic effects on marine BEnthic Ecosystems Functioning (MICROBEEF)
- NanoPix – Single crystal perovskite nanopixel arrays for miniaturized image sensors
- Narration and care. The deinstitutionalization of asylum system in Italy: history, cultural imaginary, planning (from 1961 to today)
- Neurodevelopmental consequences of maternal exposure to cannabis: a multidisciplinary investigation on the role of kynurenine pathway in vulnerable progeny.
- Next-generation distributed synchronized measurement systems for smart grids with self-diagnostics capabilities and self-improvement of information quality
- Normative artifacts and normative drawings: investigating non-linguistic regulation (NAND)
- OCean Acidification effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning relationships across gradients of habitat complexity [OCABEF]
- Opening the black box of proof-of-concept projects: challenges and opportunities
- Protein-protein interactions in Autism Spectrum Disoder
- Punishing, Reforming and Re-inserting: Prison Institutions between Criminal Science, Penitentiary Law, Prison Administration, Work, Health Treatment and Architecture: Three Case Studies in the «Island of Punishment» in the Kingdom of Italy (the Penal Bath of San Bartolomeo, the Penal Colony of Castiadas and the Buoncammino Prison)
- RE-PLACE. REframing PLace-based Approach through the Cultural Ecosystem services of inner areas
- Redde rationem. Order, calculation and reason in the urban societies of late Medieval Italy
- Simultaneous nitrogen removal and phosphorus recovery from agro-industrial wastewater by single-stage partial nitritation/anammox: an insight on P biomineralisation and granular sludge formation mechanisms (SINPHONIA)
- Steel And Recycled Concrete Slab (SARCOS)
- Targeting NLRP3 inflammasome in the liver-brain axis: common pathological pathways in obesity and Alzheimer’s disease
- The Role of Skill-Biased Technological Change in Immiserizing Growth, Spatial Polarization, and Product Quality Upgrading
- To Be Present: parental phubbing implications on children’s lives. How can parents’ smartphone overuse decrease? An awareness-raising project on the risks of phubbing and on the importance of reciprocity in parental relations.
- Understanding the link between the immune system and neurodevelopment in the maternal immune activation model of schizophrenia: novel insight and experimental therapeutic approach
- VISIONARY – Advanced VISual feedback for neurorehabilitatION systems based on virtuAl RealitY
Elenco siti progetti PRIN PNRR attivi (D.D. 1409/2022)
- 3D Printed VOC sensors based on cyclodextrins for indoor air quality Evaluation (3DVOCE)
- A mathematical approach to inverse problems arising in cultural heritage preservation and dissemination
- A Warming sea and Coastal retreats around Mediterranean basin Wa.Co.Med
- An experimental investigation of the Italian North-South divide in trust, cooperation and redistributive preferences.
- Analysis and optimisation of OWC and PTO systems for efficient wave energy conversion in the Mediterranean Sea
- AQuAInt – Approximation and Quadrature for Applicative Integral Models
- Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis and alcohol addiction: potential role of oxytocin as a therapeutic agent for the prevention of relapse. A preclinical study.
- Body composition as a tool for tailoring therapeutic interventions in epilepsy
- BullyBuster 2 – the ongoing fight against bullying and cyberbullying with the help of artificial intelligence for the human wellbeing
- Carbon Leakage and Internationalization improveMEnts toward Twin transitions– CLIMETransition
- DECODE-018 Dissecting the Enduring changes in the prefrontal COrtex induced by exposure to the synthetic cannabinoid JWH-018 during aDolescencE: multidisciplinary characterization of the behavioral, neurochemical, and molecular outcomes at adulthood in rats and mutant mice.
- Definition of a guidelines handbook to implement climate neutrality by improving ecosystem service effectiveness in rural and urban areas
- DeLiCE: Decentralized Ledgers in Circular Economy
- DEveloping MEchanochemical Technologies to Render crop-protection Agrochemicals greener (DEMETRA)
- Exploiting Cynara spp. by-products as a source of molecules with inhibitory activity on skin-related enzymes
- Functional study of a new gene associated with Autism spectrum disorders on in Vitro, in vivO and aRtificial InTelligence modEls (The FAVORITE project)
- GC-LIFES. Grounded cities. Liveability, Foundational Economy and urban Space of cities in the middle
- GeoDesign for Climate URban nEutrality (GD-CURE)
- HADES Half-metAllic Double-perovskites for next-genEration Spintronics
- Innovative Multifunctional Electrolyzer-integrated CO-generative MEmbrane Reactor for methanol production from bio-syngas (MECOMER)
- INSULANDER INvestigating the Strategic role of commUnication for resiLient islAnds copiNg DisastErs Risk management
- MAGneto-Optic Integrated Computing (MAGIC)
- Make it Better (MiB): in search of a new normative model for the promotion of sustainable development in the EU external action.
- Metaphor and epistemic injustice in mental illness: the case of schizophrenia
- Metaverse & Human Digital Twin: digital identity, Biometrics and Privacy in the future virtual worlds
- Next cities for whom? Imaginaries, resources and inequalities in urban fragments (NEXT-CITIES)
- Next quantum-based traceability and new accuracy description for synchronized multifrequency phasor measurements in modern distribution grids
- ORIENTING: PerOvskite heteRostructures of orIENted 2D and 3D single crystal Thin films for Improved photoN enerGy conversion
- Paths toward well-being: An action-research for promoting quality of life in a multidimensional perspective
- Peripheralization and electoral geography (PeriGeo)
- Pilot Study Testing an Hybrid Intra-Corneal Prosthesis with Dehydrated Corneal Tissue Scaffold for the Treatment of Corneal Blindness (INTRA-KER)
- Protecting Autologous Free Flaps from Ischemia/Reperfusion Damage with cold storage: a randomized controlled trial (PAFFIRD study)
- Quantum Models for Logic, Computation and Natural Processes (Qm4Np)
- Recover and Separation of Rare Earth Elements (REE) by economically and environmentally sustainable methods.
- Renovation and Improvement of Seismic COde for Stick-Slip Analysis 2.0 – RI -SCOSSA 2.0
- REVIVE – REstoration of oxidative balance and pigmentation in VItiligo skin by melanin precursors and nanoVEctors
- SETA – Studying thE impact of anti-analysis Techniques in IoT security evAluations
- Tapping into the biological potential of wild mushrooms from a range of ecosystems in Sardinia and Abruzzi: FUNSarAbr
- Targeting brain barriers in Parkinson’s disease
- Teaching And LEarning effectiveness to promote studeNT achievement and prEvent school Dropout (TALENTED)